Taylord Swift LDS Mormon Temple dress Qnoor Q noor

Taylor Swift in a Mormon temple dress?

Can it be real?
Taylor Swift in a Mormon temple dress?
It happened.
Well . . . kind of.
QNoor temple dresses recently posted this image below on Instagram, and the comments are pretty hilarious! Our favorites are in BOLD!
Which ones make you laugh the most? Comment below.


?? SISTER SWIFT GIVEAWAY! BECAUSE HER ALBUM DROPPED TODAY AND I’M FREAKING OUT ?? Ok, if you were here last December you know this giveaway ended up being one of the funniest things to happen on Instagram. You’ll also remember it ruffled some feathers. SO if you think this is tacky (which is kinda is ??‍♀️) or it makes you mad… shake it off! Just keep scrolling and I love you, sis! ? NOW FOR THE REST OF YOU… ARE YOU READY FOR IT? Whoever can come up with the best church analogy using a Taylor Swift lyric or title wins a $100 @qnoor_templdress gift card! To Enter ❤️ Follow @qnoor_templedress ❤️ Like this post ❤️ Comment with your Swifty Church analogy and tag your girl squad because we don’t any Bad Blood when they find out they missed this. One entry person and be creative! Note: OBV this is a crap photoshop job. I’m in no way trying to make it seems like @taylorswift is an actual @qnoor_templedress model. Again, we’re just having some fun! Check the comments for some priceless examples. #lds #mormon #sharegoodness

A post shared by Q.NOOR – Temple & Baptism (@qnoor_templedress) on


    • qnoor_templedress?? SISTER SWIFT GIVEAWAY! BECAUSE HER ALBUM DROPPED TODAY AND I’M FREAKING OUT ?? Ok, if you were here last December you know this giveaway ended up being one of the funniest things to happen on Instagram. You’ll also remember it ruffled some feathers. SO if you think this is tacky (which is kinda is ??‍♀️) or it makes you mad… shake it off! Just keep scrolling and I love you, sis! ?NOW FOR THE REST OF YOU… ARE YOU READY FOR IT? Whoever can come up with the best church analogy using a Taylor Swift lyric or title wins a $100 @qnoor_templdress gift card!To Enter ❤️ Follow @qnoor_templedress
      ❤️ Like this post
      ❤️ Comment with your Swifty Church analogy and tag your girl squad because we don’t any Bad Blood when they find out they missed this.
      One entry person and be creative!
      Note: OBV this is a crap photoshop job. I’m in no way trying to make it seems like @taylorswift is an actual @qnoor_templedress model. Again, we’re just having some fun! Check the comments for some priceless examples. #lds#mormon#sharegoodness
    • qnoor_templedress“Now I’m lying on the cold, hard ground.” When Alms the younger was visited by the angel and was struck. @brookemchambers
    • qnoor_templedress“shake it off, shake it off” yells the YW Res when a 12 year old misses the ball for the tenth time in ward ball. @asharchi
    • qnoor_templedress“I used to know my place was a spot next to you. Now I’m searching the room for an empty seat” when you are in the same singles ward as your ex. @emma.dy.
    • qnoor_templedress“I would lay my armor down if you’d say you’d rather love than fight” Anti-Nephi-Lehis @lynnlin15
    • marcatbaiHaha. This is awesome.
    • sidnebBest album. Best Instagram post I’ve ever seen.
    • saltldsretreat??? I️ Love this so much!
    • qnoor_templedress@marcatbai here’s to hoping it turns out just as well as last time!
    • jessimahkuh“And I’m dying to know is it killing you like it’s killing me yeah” when someone is giving and awkward testimony and you make eye contact with your bff in church @jchappe11
    • qnoor_templedress@sidneb right?! I love it all!!
    • asharchi@qnoor_templedress oh my gosh I forgot about this!!! This is the best giveaway and only kind I participate in ???
    • qnoor_templedress@jessimahkuh i’m crying ???
    • asharchi@woodhansee@jellyfellows@snewgator she scroll up to find my quote! She used mine from last year!
    • morgankinyon“He said let’s get out of this town
      Drive out of the city
      Away from the crowds” -when Lehi moved his family into the wilderness ??
    • jkpeayThis is hilarious!! @jmyoung@malialady
    • mandylynn0208“Dear John, I said that I’d wait while you’re gone. Don’t you think two years to long not to date, you’re in another state…I found a new guy so…you’ll have to go.”
    • leah80“And I’m like, I just, I mean, this is exhausting…” when the Saints headed west, like, escaping persecution and trying to like, survive. ?❤️
    • qnoor_templedress@leah80 YES
    • cheyenneholyoak“I’ve been breakin’ hearts a long time, and Toyin’ with them older guys” every 18 y/o girl in the singles ward?
    • rebt4224If anyone does anything or says anything to offend you at church just “SHAKE IT OFF… SHAKE OFF…I-I-I SHAKE IT OFF.” ?
    • qnoor_templedress@mandylynn0208???
    • mckay5687“You be the prince and I’lol be the Princess, it’s a love story, Baby just say yes!!”- Says every girl at BYU on their second date! ??Our favorite Taylor Swift look-alike that is LDS? Monica Moore Smith of course!
  • missphotogeek“I can hear them whisper as we pass by / It’s a bad sign, bad sign / Something happens when everybody finds out / See the vulture circling in dark cloud / Love’s a fragile little flame, it could burn out” When you first start dating someone in a singles ward. @kellysuew
  • mackenziedeanneHere is a not-really-funny-but-still-applicable one….
  • rileytaylorsmithI’m sorry, the old Riley can’t come to the phone right now. Why? because she’s been sanctified by Jesus Christ
  • sidneb“It was so nice throwing big parties
    Jumping in the pool from the balcony
    Everyone swimming in a champaign sea
    And there are no rules when you show up here. Bass beat rattling the chandelier
    Feeling so Gatsby for that whole year”- Peeps at the great and spacious building, until they realize it doesn’t last?? Too much? Hahahaha
  • hazel__sky“Hey Stephen, I could give you fifty reasons why I should be the one you choose” because I already made the list at a young women’s activity ?
  • mandylynn0208About 2 months into waiting for a missionary
  • mackenziedeanne@mackenziedeanne “when I️ was drowning that’s when I️ could finally breathe.” BAPTISM!
  • lovebursts“Say you’ll remember me
    Standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset …Say you’ll see me again even if it’s just in your wildest dreams” Saying goodbye to your true love in the premortal life.
  • mackwood84@kpetey10
  • asharchi“I don’t like your little games
    Don’t like your tilted stage
    The role you made me play
    Of the fool, no, I don’t like you” complains the Mia Maid during the Stake ‘Play In A Day’ activity.
  • hmiles09“Welcome to New York, it’s been waiting for you…welcome to New York” says the Mission President as he picks up a new missionary from the airport
  • mackenziedeanne@mackenziedeanne “today is never too late to be brand new.” REPENTANCE!
  • mackenziedeanne“My mind forgets to remind me your a bad idea” to donuts on fast Sunday!
  • hazel__sky“You are the best thing that’s ever been mineeeee” says the Laurel after her first date
  • stephaniemeyet“Long live the walls we crashed through, I had the time of my life with you.” Alma and Amulek post prison wall collapse.
  • abbysalz“Why? The old Taylor is dead” but even the old Taylor will be resurrected in the second coming….
  • psgroves@veroliv28 read these!! ???
  • hmiles09“Stand there like a ghost shakin from the rain. She opens up the door and says are you insane.” Says the girl who opens the door to the missionary she has been writing as he stands there right after being released from his mission
  • sidneb@leah80 hahahaha
  • remimae“you belong with meeeeee. you belong with me.” a young girl at byui after she has ring checked an rm.
  • anessa_howard“Once upon a time,
    I believe it was a Tuesday when I caught your eye” at a mutual activity.
  • jaynaedwards“I’m no one special, just another wide eyed girl who’s desperately in love with you. Give me a photograph to hang on my wall, superstar” when that YSA elders quorum President is righteous AND handsome
  • hayleysue00“Dear John” letters… pretty self explanatory ?
  • lynnlin15“So many things I️ wish I️ knew, but the story of us might be ending soon”-Mormon
  • thehealthycreative_?
  • jaynaedwards@alexyssann
  • wynter.h.simonson“I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time” -Jesus Christ.
  • kathryn_angelica“Are you ready for it?” What someone asks you right after you just got sealed.. ?
  • jennikas“I was in your sights, you got me alone
    You found me, you found me, you found me, I guess you didn’t care” —when the bishop asks you to speak in sacrament ? and you give every excuse but he still makes you speak.
  • emmaleashepherd“I don’t like your little games, don’t like your tilted stage, the role you made me play- of the fool- no I don’t like you” @satan
  • josee_darlene@mara.ross read all these comments ??
  • qnoor_templedress@wynter.h.simonson lolz
  • qnoor_templedress@kathryn_angelica ??? too good
  • rebeccahpeteLaman and Lemuel to Nephi when he gave all the gold to Laban… “this is why we can’t have nice things”
  • sidneb“Reputation precedes me, they told you I’m crazy. I swear I don’t love the drama, it loves me”. Joseph Smith to Emma while dating.
  • jennikas@jennikas@romosman 🙂
  • sarahosborne12“Darling, I’m a nightmare dressed as a day dream.” Delilah to Sampson ??
  • jennikas@jennikas@romosman 🙂
  • astirlinglife@amanduhjay23
  • kathryn_angelica@lalucenith
  • pamelafabela“please don’t be in love with someone else, please don’t have somebody waiting on you” when there’s a cute new missionary in your ward
  • sidneb@wynter.h.simonson haha!!
  • simplystoddard“Cuz when you’re 15” and you’re like crap I can’t date until I’m 16.
  • alspang“I should just tell you to leave cuz I️.. know exactly where it leads…” Says a young engaged Mormon couple
  • ashhillyoung@aturn22 ?
  • ashhillyoung@addihauni ?
  • hmiles09“We never go out of style, they never go out of style” thinks the Mormon mom to herself as she flips through a Victoria secret magazine
  • bekahmpeterson“Touch me and you’ll never be alone” okay this is more spiritually than funny but Christ to everyone. Stay on his side and you’ll never be alone
  • sarahosborne12@tenilleosborne
  • des_carlton“So it’s gonna be forever or it’s gonna go down in flames!” Is the short version of how to scare someone to follow commandments and getting to the Temple. ?
  • erinkhumphriesFrom so it goes “I know what you know
    We can feel it” what the missionaries say after an investigator feels the spirit
  • chelsieaiono@kalliwillardson
  • chelsieaiono@chloekepner
  • sidneb@klp2675@angiecdavenport@debriley21@amyalinearnold some of these are just toooo good.
  • victoria.duchessofstockton“Are we outta the woods yet, are we outta the woods?” Beehives first year of girls camp ?
  • tawnycmayK what? Why would anyone be mad about this? What the heck is wrong with people today haha.
  • missyoung02“but what can I say. You’re gorgeous.” When you try on your QNoor temple dress for the first time and look in the mirror. ?❤️
  • victoria.duchessofstockton@victoria.duchessofstockton@1034_heidi
  • pamelafabela@brittanyangela30@preslee_rae@kaj1095
  • courtneylijohnson?“The stakes are high, the waters rough, but this love is ours”- Christ speaking to Peter ⛵️?
  • heathernil@emmanilsenn

  • hallcami“You could write a book on how to ruin someone’s perfect day. Well I get so confused and frustrated” …when you’re on a role reading the BoM and you hit the Isaiah chapters in 2nd Nephi ???‍♀️
  • sav.grossarth“The old Laban can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Oh, because he’s dead” Nephi to Zoram.
  • ridges009“I’m sorry the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Oh cause she’s dead.” When someone’s been converted and given up their old ways an old lifestyle
  • kalliepacker“ honey, I rose up from the dead” Christ to Mary after he came out of the tomb.
  • magansimmons@alexapack I’m dyyyying
  • missmindymus@josie_mae98 ???????
  • lindseybroin“You and me we got big reputations, ahhh! And you’ve heard about me ohhh…” every morning missionary ever
  • qnoor_templedress@missyoung02 I️ see what you did there ??????
  • melissawhipThese are hilarious ? I am not worthy of such skills!
  • the_little_mama_that_can“I knew you were golden when we walked in…” -Missionaries????
  • the_little_mama_that_can@andreaempey@k_walsh09
  • jodee_bleggi_rogers?
  • kelsey_says@qnoor_templedress These are sooooo goood ????
  • qnoor_templedress@tawnycmay ??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️ some felt like I️ was trying to make it seem like she legit modeled for me or that it was bad
  • qnoor_templedress@shellre88 you know I’m hoping for it!
  • qnoor_templedress@carismin.realtorstg just having some fun ?
  • reagan.n.watson“ Dear John, I see it all now that you’re gone
    Don’t you think I was too young
    To be messed with?
    The girl in the dress
    Wrote you a song, you should’ve known.” When you write off your missionary … ?
  • trilbytreble“If you could see that I’m the one who understands you, been here all along.” ~Jesus to Taylor?
  • dani.allan@chels.uken you need to read these ?
  • bridgette.armi@maggiec717 you have to read these??
  • miss_alyss11“Did you have to do this? I was thinking that you could be trusted
    Did you have to ruin what was shiny? Now it’s all rusted
    Did you have to hit me, where I’m weak? Baby, I couldn’t breathe
    And rub it in so deep, salt in the wound like you’re laughing right at me” – when the Bishopric asks you to give a talk in sacrament meeting.
  • ninandjune@sav.grossarth oh my gosh. This is so good. ?
  • jlarsen@ilindseyanne read these. Haha Come up with one!
  • kalliepacker“Look what you made me do” Eve to Satan
  • hannahlday“Cuz He’s (Jesus) the reason for the teardrops on my scriptures! The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star.” (Teardrops on my Guitar)
  • alittlealejaI’m crying this is too good
  • kierstenjrichardson“You don’t have to call anymore / i won’t pick up the phone” all my investigators ?
  • ninandjune@morgankinyon YES!!!
  • kalliepacker“ I don’t like your kingdom keys, they once belonged to me” -Satan
  • alexandria.dobson@jesshouseholder
  • miss_alyss11@emilydixon222
  • k.terranovaHeaven…. “Are you ready for it?”
  • k.terranova@tia.moe@kcart11@kmoesby@ohanaisfamily6 READ THESE AND DO IT!
  • mlehnardtI’m so glad you’re doing this again! Sometimes when I’m down I️ go back and read the comments from last year just for a laugh. ?
  • kierstenjrichardson“Only bought this dress so you could take it off, take it off” every Mormon girl after her sealing
  • ninandjune@stephaniemeyet ???
  • whitdelahunty“Going to church is like driving a new Maserati down the road to the celestial kingdom” plan of salvation!
  • blakeyandthecrew“Nice to meet you, where you’ve been? I️ can show incredible things” [when you get a new visiting teaching assignment and you go for your first visit ?] @randii_shea_foster@fit_as_rayn@blair_brittany
  • brookegrahamhackett???
  • marystallingsT-Swift having a heart to heart with Paul after he was stoned in Lystra—?Don’t you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine.
  • micaelamarie25I Know Places talks about running for a place to hide, a safe place. It’s like going to the temple. In the temple in safe from my everyday fears, problems and stress.
  • flashrose22“You’re beautiful every little piece,Love. And don’t cha know, you’re really gonna be someone. Ask anyone… stay beautiful.” All young women lessons.
  • espeedbResurrection morning: “I’m sorry, the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Cause she’s dead!!”
  • flashrose22@kortneejo
  • katelyn_stutz“So it’s gonna be forever or it’s gonna go down in flames”???…the second coming?
  • ninandjune@traciedaniel YES!!! ?
  • qnoor_templedress@jamesthemormon this thread is calling your name
  • sami.nielsen@jennayeee this is hilarious ?
  • sallie.bergeson“Say you’ll remember me” – the sacrament prayer
  • mandylynn0208“You are the best thing that’s ever been mine” when you buy your first qnoor temple dress when you’re preparing to go through the temple for the first time ?
  • newadditiondesignsThese are too funny ???
  • h_eaton“Are you ready for it?” … second coming, mission, temple, marriage…
  • teffiedora“I go on too many dates. But I can’t make them stay,” -Memoir of a Singles Ward-
  • mplatt07“In the middle of the night, in my dreams… You should see the things we do.”- Lehi to all his sons about the tree of life
  • kalliepacker“In the middle of the night, in my dreams, I’m going to be with you”-Lehi’s dream of the tree of life.
  • veroliv28@somethinglikeoliviaaa
  • macs.a.la.mode“Nice to meet you, where you been? I can show you incredible things. Magic, madness heaven, sin” -missionaries out tracting!!
  • k.terranovaChrist: “I’m the one who understands you Been here all along so why can’t you see”
  • jordantrejo“It was good, never looking down and right there where we stood was holy ground” – normal reaction after going to temple square ?
  • redsoxjenny@qnoor_templedress ???
  • hannahisraelsen“Can’t you see that I’m the one who understands you, been here all along so why can’t you seeeeee, you belong with meeeeee, you belong with me!” -Rachel when she had to wait 14 years to marry Jacob including 7 when her dad tricked him into marrying her older sis #awkward
  • kalliepacker“Island breeze and lights down low” lehi’s family voyage to the Americas
  • heathermar_“Cause when you’re fifteen, somebody tells you they love you you’re gonna believe them” ….except you can’t because you can’t date until you’re sixteen….
  • joni.beach“But I got smarter I got harder in the. Ick of time. Honey I rose up from the dead i do it all the time” -second coming
  • k_ashment“Some boys are tryin’ too hard, he don’t try at all though Younger than my exes, but he act like such a man, so I see nothing better, I keep him forever” BYU senior dating a new RM.
  • hannahisraelsen“Someday I’ll be living in a big old city, and all you’re ever gonna be is mean. Why you gotta be so mean?” -Nephi to Laman & Lemuel
  • camarion12@anna9517@brittanyalynn_
  • kamberliross“I just want to know you, know you, know you better now….everything has changed” the new visiting teaching program
  • briannacraig“My babys fly like a jet stream, high above the whole scene, loves me like I’m brand new” Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ looking on from heaven with a perfect love for us!
  • angelathebraveI watch superman fly away
    You’ve got a busy day today
    Go save the world, I’ll be around
    I watch superman fly away
    Come back I’ll be with you someday
    I’ll be right here on the ground
    When you come back down – when your missionary leaves on their mission ???
  • hannahisraelsen@rachellehuber@rachl.kennedy@missaudreysuedesigns@sabrinaheaps@hholland448@bclarke.23 I think you guys would enjoy these comments! ?
  • kamberlirossNow I feel the need to jam to some Taylor Swift while I clean my house?
  • searlesquared“I️ stay out too late got nothin in my brain …” -BYU honor code during finals week. @sssbosley@kayanaharman@loueames
  • hannahisraelsen@windmillwords@lizadoomuch Read all these comments you will die ?
  • searlesquared@searlesquared correction i
  • k.terranova@qnoor_templedress I️ can only enter one?! But I️ have so many!
  • haigomez“Let the games begin, let the games begin, let the games begin. Are you ready for it?” -Captain Moroni (marching into battle! )????
  • angelathebrave@harleyannmoody@janicaellen this thread ???
  • kall.hillam“Stay stay stay” says the missionaries to an investigator
  • kalliepacker“ so it’s going to be forever, or it’s going down in flames” – God to sodom and Gomorrah
  • kall.hillam“Cause when you’re fifteen and someone tells you they love you” you still don’t go on a date because you’re fifteen not sixteen.
  • highdesertartist@ashie_tegan
  • briannamccullough92@megannn_lynn this thread ?
  • hannahisraelsen“Wish I’d never grown up” -Everyone on fast Sunday walking past the nursery kids eating fishy crackers
  • annelijasmine@stephaniemeyet ???
  • kalliepacker“ younger than my (Axes), but he act like such a man” sons of Helaman
  • kall.hillam“Why ya gotta be so mean” the saints to their persecutors…. sorry for the million post- on a road trip with a bunch of swifties ??
  • rachl.kennedy@hannahisraelsen Too perfect ??
  • janicaellen@angelathebrave ??
  • myhappyoilylife@eastcoastlythgoes & @poseykt.24 please read these! I’m dying! @em_perkins87 you’ve seen this, right?! ?????
  • sswerd9@smithbrooklynn12 these comments though ?
  • jebbamarie“and tonight I’m going out on a date
    With your best friend, he always liked me anyway” – Said to her ex-fiancé when she dumps him for his roommate who happens to be his best friend… and then she and the roommate get married a few months later and enjoy their eternal marital bliss! (Tell me you haven’t seen this scenario played out in real life more than once in a singles ward?!?! You can’t make this stuff up people!! ?)
  • kall.hillam“Cause now we got bad blood” Lamen and Lemuel to nephi
  • hannahisraelsen“Ooh, look what you made me do, look what you made me do, look what you just made me do look what you just made me do.” -Nephi taking Zoram hostage
  • wendywilbur“I’ve got a list of names..and yours is in red underline”. -Bishop as they reorganize the RS ?
  • annelijasmine@lindsaypeach12 did you read these??? I’m dead hahah
  • xankulia@drewmarcucci@gillimarcucci you’ll die at this thread ???
  • drewmarcucci@xankulia unreal ???
  • betsyb9Hahahahaha
  • betsyb9???
  • kalliepacker@juliehpacker@mandylynnkailing this is super funny!
  • carolynandspencer“Rose gardens filled with thorns” when Adam & Eve partake of the fruit ?
  • courtneylynenos@katelynjboren you got this
  • maya.running?Dear John, I see it all now it was wrong
    Don’t you think nineteen’s too young” ? -Two weeks after making the promise that you were going to wait for John on his mission ?
  • pjaner23“I don’t like your little games don’t like your tilted stage, the role you made me play of the fool. No, i don’t like you.” Korihor speaking to Satan after he gets trampled. So morbid sorry! @qnoor_templedress
  • kairoakes@natnatlewis and @danger_dale I feel like you two could win this!!
  • pjaner23Prodigal son or Satan-Jesus “I don’t like your kingdom keys they once belonged to me. You ask me for a place to sleep locked me out and threw a feast. (What!) @qnoor_templedress
  • shylakunzThat one time Jesus resurrected and was like “I’m sorry, the old Jesus can’t come to the phone right now…why? Cause he’s dead.” ?
  • pjaner23@qnoor_templedress Sorry i did two!
  • livie_1wI’m a daughter of God “cause baby I can build a castle out of all the bricks they throw at me”
  • livie_1w@maddaymw
  • livie_1w@caroleemakayla
  • livie_1w@lindsayw420
  • livie_1w@em.c.ham611
  • livie_1w@elliemishay_
  • livie_1w@starbuck_bri
  • kall.hillam“I️ don’t wanna live forever” the other 9 nephites. Not the 3 nephites
  • hthr_scott@josie_mae98 WIN!
  • sydneycreer“Oh, a simple complication. Miscommunications lead to fall-out. So many things that I wish you knew, so many walls that I can’t break through.” When you lose an investigator on the mission.
  • shelligrinsOh darling, don’t you ever grow up, don’t you ever grow up, just stay this little… oh darling don’t you ever grow up it could stay this simple- what am I️ talking I’ve got a bench full of you kiddos and I️ can’t wait for you to go to nursery!
  • kalliepacker‘Cause, baby, now we’ve got bad blood You know it used to be mad love So take a look what you’ve done.”—�- Moses to pharaoh during the plagues
  • allieloud@kaitbethcliff@maddyjo13@kamillielou time to put your unique set of skills to work girls!!!
  • mmmmwilliamsThis one is straight up by my mom. When I was on my mission, I was having a super rough patch (companion went home early, lots of pressure from zone leaders, etc.) My mom did not just copy and paste the lyrics to Shake It Off, but typed out the whole song to try and inspire me. Every line she connected to one of my struggles. ? The “haters” were Satan’s followers. Now whenever I hear Shake It Off, I go into hard core missionary mode and picture shaking Satan off of my back. ???‍♀️?
  • valweech“It feels like a perfect night to dress up like sister
    And sit with our own sexes, uh uh, uh uh.
    It feels like a perfect night for breakfast at midnight
    To show some love to ancestors, uh uh, uh uh.” @teeshagoodman throw it down, gurrrl! ???
  • kjerstenadams@qnoor_templedress PLEASE just choose @taylorswift as the winner and send her a QNoor. She needs the love of the club.
  • valweech*sisters
  • simplystoddard@kaitielu do this ?
  • anikojensen‘Then you come around again and say, “Baby, i miss you and i swear im gonna change, trust me.” Remember how that lasted for a day?’ -The Lord to Laman and Lemuel
  • shilo.leslie“There’s nothing I hate more than what I can’t have.”–Satan in regards to body, family, etc.
  • hthr_scott“I knew you were trouble when you walked in…” the way the nursery leaders look at my son as he runs into class ?
  • nataleejanderson@harlee_maxwell@kylielynnm read these ??
  • becca_thayne@meggywhitt
  • madsbrwnI’m dying bless you
  • sallie.bergeson@lindslongmore I feel like you would rock this giveaway, no one knows tswift better than you!
  • sophieweech“Look what you made me do” -The Lord after he flooded the earth.
  • alishahatch“So it’s gonna be forever
    Or it’s gonna go down in flames” -dating for temple marriage. @marshmeowlorie
  • kalliepackerI was a flight risk, with a fear of fallin’
    Wondering why we bother with love “ —�Jonah and the whale ?
  • alyssalee93“I’ve got a blank space baby, and I’ll write your name” what I️ say to the new cute guy in the awkward YSA ward
  • hannahisraelsen“Are we out of the woods yet are we out of the woods yet are we out of the woods yet are we out of the woods?” -Laman & Lemuel on the longest camping trip of their lives
  • haleyamccormick@darynfrisch read these ?
  • karleerudd@shanaeburgin ?
  • kalliepacker“Do you remember, we were sittin’, there by the water?
    You put your arm around me for the first time” — Dads as he talks about baptizing his 8 year old.
  • jan.bergeson“It’s been a while since I have even heard from you” – Jesus when you forget to pray ????
  • carlechristaYES I wanted this so bad last year I appreciate the chance for some redemption ?
  • emkup“You took a swing, I took it hard. And down here from the ground I see who you are.” -Me, last Sunday after teaching my sunbeams.
  • carlechrista“You belong with me” I whisper quietly to the last brownie at YSA break the fast.
  • laurendevard“I knew you were trouble when you walked in” David to Bethsheba
  • beautifuleffort“Are we out of the woods yet?
    Are we out of the woods?
    Are we in the clear yet?
    In the clear yet, good.” -leaving our daughter in nursery.
  • calderwood2009@calderwooddiana !!!!!!!!
  • kalliepacker“She’s cheer captain
    And I’m on the bleachers
    Dreaming about the day when you wake up
    And find that what you’re looking for has been here the whole time”—�—Rachel to Jacob (Jacob had to marry Leah and serve his FIL for 7 years before he could marry Rachel)
  • alyalyoxnfree“Should’ve said no, you should’ve gone home” – bishop during repentance process (I semi feel bad for bringing the repentance process into this haha…)
  • carlechrista“I know places.” —me, as a mish, eyebrow arched, teaching the Plan of Salvation.
  • kayanaharman@lisatheia i feel like you could come up with the best quote ever!
  • ashleysouthard@lindz1149@jnna23@sabrinasouthard23 read these comments ???
  • hannahisraelsen@sav.grossarth Dying over this! ?
  • hannahisraelsen@sav.grossarth Dying over this! ?
  • hannahisraelsen@sav.grossarth Dying over this! ?
  • alyalyoxnfree“The time will come for us to finally win, and we’ll sing hallelujah, hallelujah.” – me and my single friends (over the age of 23) in Provo when we watch 18 year olds getting married.
  • darynfrisch@haleyamccormick oh my gosh, these are amazing.
  • emmajanewaldron“Darling I’m a nightmare dressed like a day dream” Satan whispers
  • emmajanewaldron“This is a big world, that was a small town there in my rear view mirror disappearing now” -leaving the Provo MTC
  • alyalyoxnfree“I go back to December all the time” – trying to remember Jesus all year round.
  • emmajanewaldron2 AM who do you love? – lying in bed sleepless until 9 AM #BYUhonorcode
  • emmajanewaldron“Today is never late to be brand new” -bishop at the end of his testimony *mic drop
  • emmajanewaldronAre we out of the woods yet? are we out of the woods? Are we in the clear yet? – *panic eyes @ bff when 28 yr old EQP approached you at a YSA activity
  • sophieweech@samsher7
  • sophieweech@lothompson comments
  • sophieweech@summershayallen comments…
  • jnjo.u“I go on too many dates. But I can’t make them stay. At least that’s what people saaaayyy.” . . . When your asked why your still in YSA??‍♀️.
  • emmajanewaldron“Just because you’re clean, doesn’t mean you don’t miss it” -Satan whispering
  • jessiealexise@sidneb favorite
  • hannahisraelsen“And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now.” -Moroni looking around when he’s the only righteous person left ?
  • julie_marie036“It seems like there’s always someone who disapproves, they judge it like they know about me and you.” -An engaged YSA couple who dated two weeks.
  • alyalyoxnfree“It’s like I’ve got this music, in my mind saying it’s gonna be alright.” The Holy Ghost.
  • emmajanewaldron“Loves a game, wanna play?” -every provo allstars thinking
  • alyalyoxnfree@brynniebeee
  • miyamotochan“Nice to meet you. Where you been? I can show you incredible things!” – missionaries to strangers @rachelanneandy
  • hannahisraelsen@qnoor_templedress Sorry I just saw the one entry/person rule & I’ve already done like 5 or 6 but I’m having too much fun here #sorrynotsorry
  • erin__reynolds“Maybe we got lost in translation, maybe I asked for too much, and maybe this thing was a masterpiece til you tore it all up”-says Joseph Smith to Martin Harris. ?
  • kaitbethcliff“It got lost in translation.” -The Plan of Salvation, the Trinity, Infant Baptism, pretty much the entirety of the Bible.
  • kayleasouthwick“All you’re ever gonna be is mean, and a liar… and pathetic… and alone in life and… mean”- every anti Mormon piece of literature
  • itzel_ya“You ruined my life, by not being mine”. Said Satan to all of Christ disciples
  • chsed“My mind forgets to remind me that you’re a bad idea”– The natural man & sin
  • alyalyoxnfreeGod: “Are you ready for it?” Us: “let the games begin.” -us before coming to the earth. …..Also just realized you said one per person and I’ve done way more than that… haha I’m done now ?☠️
  • itzel_ya“There’s nothing I hate more than what I can’t have” Laban to Nephi and his brothers when they offered their riches in return for the records of the Jews
  • kayla_brown217“It’s a lovestory, baby just say yes!” Says every couple as they’re walking out of the temple, freshly sealed for time and all eternity ??
  • aubree_egbert“I don’t trust nobody and nobody trusts me..” -Judas Iscariot
  • ericargreen13@_kristinhale_
  • itzel_ya“I got a list of names and yours is in red underline”. Missionaries to investigators
  • aubree_egbert@haileylasky these are hilarious!!! ?
  • allthingsbrighten@mccallamberly
  • peaceofsunshine11For when you use family search when you’re not married “I’ve got a blank space baby, and I’ll write your name.”
  • peaceofsunshine11@jennatelligent371
  • peaceofsunshine11@alex_jensen18
  • peaceofsunshine11@melody_walker10
  • peaceofsunshine11@happy_sunshine_peeps
  • kaceecam@stagramer ??????
  • peaceofsunshine11@happy_sunshine_peeps
  • heynat1??
  • mrs.katiemay4Hey Stephen, I know looks can be deceiving, but I know I saw a light in you- says every missionary to their investigator
  • mrs.katiemay4@bryn_for_the_win
  • tenilleosborne“Still all over me like a wine-stained dress I can’t wear anymore.” -says no mormon ever
  • tehya_jensenRead these! @bryt_hudman
  • haileehensonMe as an EFY counselor, trying to convince 14 year olds to dance: “I never miss a beat, I’m lightning on my feet and that’s what they don’t see, that’s what they don’t see. I’m dancing on my own, I make the moves up as I go, and that’s what they don’t know, that’s what they don’t know.” @_feli95@tadespain@isabelldrake_@beckyrexnuckols@lisacheneytracy@katilynnharris@ejen95
  • shueb“This is the golden age of something good and right and real” The restoration!!
  • pittcrew2010When you think Tim McGraw I hope you think my favorite song the one we danced to all night long.-Every single youth dance?
  • itzel_ya“But do you honestly expect me to believe we could ever be the same?” The adversary telling you that your mistakes can’t be forgiven

  • michelletay_@cherie.andersen read these!!!
  • h_eaton@kaitbethcliff The entirety of The Bible… come on… do you know how much of the BofM is directly quoted from The Bible? Do you not realize the sacrifice made to bring The Bible to the commoner? I like fun but please don’t say that about the word of God.
  • nancyv“I want to his initial on a chain round my neck, not because he owns me but because [He] knows me… because he loves me like I’m brand new” ❤️❤️? @melissamcnees@katherine09@magfish21@carolinerj15@j_cobes@sarajo812
  • h_eaton@sophieweech ?
  • kewlzebraTake a deep breath girl-it’s your very first day (on a mission) take a deep breath as you walk through the doors (of the mtc)
  • summershayallen@elenafree just seems like something you’d enjoy?maybe? ?
  • hannyowensTaylor swift is a ????, and we all know who else is ? @srpicard
  • katelynjboren“We’re happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time” -YSA ward
  • somethinglikeoliviaaaCall it what you want to—the promptings of the Spirit
  • somethinglikeoliviaaaYou’re so gorgeous, I can’t wait to see you in white…
  • somethinglikeoliviaaaNow we got bad blood, cuz I didn’t visit you last month. So take a look what I’ve done, and I promise you next month! (Home teaching)
  • somethinglikeoliviaaaA couple stares across the altar. A tear rolls down her cheek and she whispers *look what you made me do*
  • somethinglikeoliviaaaOops, I missed one entry per person…but don’t pretend these aren’t gold
  • veroliv28@somethinglikeoliviaaa Moreee
  • katelynjboren“Say you’ll remember me, standing in a white dress, standing in the airport, babe” -to missionary
  • courtneylynenos@katelynjboren killing me
  • qnoor_templedress@h_eaton I️ think she may be referring to the need of the restoration. But no worries. I’m sure all in good heart ?
  • qnoor_templedress@h_eaton I️ think she may be referring to the need of the restoration. But no worries. I’m sure all in good heart ?
  • erin__reynolds@marliesrobinson@cassandraskyway@marianne_jeo
  • celestesant Me: “I’m perfectly fine, I live on my own. I made up my mind, I’m better off being alone.” “I’m just a girl trying to find her place in this world.””but we got bills to pay. We got nothing figured out.” And I wish you were right here right now, it’s all good. I wish you would.” CHRIST: “You put up walls and paint them all a shade of gray, and I stood there loving you and wished them all away.” ME: “I have an excellent father. His strength is making me stronger.” “Been losing grips on sinking ships. You showed up just in time”

  • aubreylynnea“I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 22… it feels like one of those nights, we won’t be sleeping” because instead of partying it up like a t-swift 22 year old we already have 1 kid keeping us up at night, maybe 2 ?
  • aubreylynnea@aubreylynnea I should’ve included more… “it’s miserable and magical, oh yeah”
  • blyssaCan I submit a music video (parody) idea for my submission? “Bad Blood” describing the slow distance of Nephi vs. Laman and Lemuel, starting with them beating him and continuing through… The entire Book of Mormon. DMing the meme version.
  • blyssa@h_eaton this is so good. I want to do like ten thousand submissions, but I’m geeking out about a parody. Maybe even working on it this weekend…
  • h_eaton@blyssa Yasssss
  • kyrstiegillie“I knew you were trouble when you walked in” every parent when their kid gets brought to them out of nursery ??‍♀️
  • chanimarta“It’s been a while since I have even heard from you” -Mosiah 7. King Mosiah sent Ammon and some other guys to go look for the people who had left with Zenif? Ammon found the people of Limhi.
  • randii_shea_foster@blakeyandthecrew ???
  • jenny.reiner“We never go out of style” (wearing jumpsuits at your baptism)
  • _kristinhale_“Are we out of the woods yet are we out of the woods yet are we out of the woods” -lehis family wandering the wilderness
  • hdangle1But she wears short skirts
    I wear “long-skirts”
    She’s cheer captain
    And I’m in the choir
    Dreaming about the day when I wake up and find that we’ve been married in the temple
    That what we’re together for all time.
  • hdangle1@oklamama
  • _kristinhale_“they are the hunters we are the foxes and we run” – the pioneers
  • paigeppark@liahonagirl75 best one ❤️
  • marquelm“This is me swallowing my pride saying I’m sorry for that night” Laman and Lemuel for the 91687th time
  • sydneystickerbush@shelbylinhancock and @benjaminjamesjenks you guys would rock this- tag me when you come up with one
  • hjensen202we are forever ever ever getting sealed together!
  • cami_etc“Now we’ve got problems
    And I don’t think we can solve ’em
    You made a really deep cut
    And baby, now we’ve got BAD BLOOD, hey” I picture this song playing during a slow motion action scene of the war in heaven ? @layniecrystal@niccolec@ray_rusty
  • 2jbarnes“I don’t like your little games
    Don’t like your tilted stage
    The role you made me play
    Of the fool, no, I don’t like you
    I don’t like your perfect crime
    How you laugh when you lie
    You said the gun was mine
    Isn’t cool, no, I don’t like you”… I can imagine a church video saying that to Satan
  • paigeppark“You drive me crazy half the time, the other half i’m only trying to let you know that what i feel is true” Nephi to Laman and Lemuel basically all the time ?
  • bethanne2299“I don’t trust nobody and nobody trust me” -that tinder life
  • paigeppark@paigeppark@rachell_pratt
  • janet__strong“Knew he was a RM first time that I saw him. Wonder how many people he had taught and left baptized. But if he’s released then I can be his wife and have eternal life…life…some boys are tryin too hard, He just loves the Lord, though. Reads his scriptures daily, Moses, Abraham, Habakkuk. I see nothing better, I keep him forever, like a covenant-ant. I-I-I see how this is gonna go. Love me and you’ll never be alone. Your wife I wanna be, and that’s all I know. Everyone will know. In the middle of the night in my dreams, you should see the kids we’ll have, baby. In the middle of the night, in my dreams, I know I’m gonna be with you so let’s go talk to our Bishop. Are you ready for it?”
  • janet__strong@abba.whale@jaana_1996@haleymanwaring
  • lowgarnett“ It feels like a perfect night for breakfast at midnight” Sunday nights in provo
  • lowgarnett@bectaylor27@michaelaleblanc this is weird but funny and also don’t judge @madisonahlstrom@ahoymadyp
  • ahoymadyp@lowgarnett haha these are funny to read! not judging.. except I didn’t even know there was a new album until yesterday
  • carmenalineThese are hilarious!!! ???
  • sarah.degraw.clark@itslauradegraw@ktash16 I’m not clever enough for this but these comments ???
  • bethanyearl10And now I know why the all the trees change in the fall (when we have faith god blesses us with knowledge of his mysteries)
    I know you were on my side
    Even when I was wrong (no matter what our mistakes are, he still loves us and wants us to come unto him)
    And I love you for giving me your eyes
    Staying back and watching me shine (gratitude for giving us our life and our free agency to make choices that will lead us back to his presence)
  • somethinglikeoliviaaaTake a deep breath as you walk in the front doors, it’s the morning of your very first day (of seminary)
  • somethinglikeoliviaaaDear John—writing that missionary goodbye
  • somethinglikeoliviaaaDear John—writing that missionary goodbye
  • somethinglikeoliviaaaYeah, we’re happy free confused and lonely in the best way—the singles ward
  • veroliv28@somethinglikeoliviaaa ??????????
  • somethinglikeoliviaaa@veroliv28
  • somethinglikeoliviaaaI remember it all, all, all…too well (priests listen to teachers stumble over the sacrament prayer)
  • krystingirl94“Be that girl for a month, wait the worst is yet to come, oh no” -Girls who let themselves go once married
  • marinaraejackson@brightontaylor
  • kayleighdeleenhill@sheridan_scho read all these ?

  • sheridan_scho@kayleighdeleenhill I am DEAD
  • sheridan_scho@kayleighdeleenhill this is incredible
  • amandadfenn@shalynrosedowell hahahaha this is pure gold. Hope you win!
  • knotandthread@samy.kemp you have to do this… you will probably win! ♥️
  • alicia_caseI’m laughing so hard! Love this
  • stewcrewmomma???Surprised this giveaway hasn’t broken Instagram yet!
  • belleandwhistle@brilamkin this is a hoot!
  • maddymevans“but with the three of us, honey, it’s a sideshow” any missionary trio companionship on someone’s door or… anywhere ????
  • samy.kemp@knotandthread I love you and your confidences in me! I’m gonna have to pray about this…
  • knotandthread@samy.kemp I love you! ♥️
  • samy.kemp@knotandthread I love you!!!
  • qnoor_templedress@maddymevans so true!!!!
  • maggiedancer“Welcome to girls camp, it’s been waiting for you! …when we first dropped our bags on those tent floors took our scriptures out and our camp manuals, everyone was someone else before but you can talk all you want about boys and boys and boys and boys!” (A Mormon parody of Welcome to New York) I wrote this for girls camp!
  • maggiedancer@call.janis@simplymakenzieann@simplywwinter@keri_ropes
  • maggiedancerAye new scriptures, suit and tie I can read you like a magazine. ain’t it funny rumors fly and I know you heard about me so hey, let’s be friends. I’m dying to see how this one ends. grab your recommend and my hand. I can make the bad guys good for a session. (Typical date night in Provo) ?
  • lisatheiaIt feels like a perfect night to go to mutual,
    And do some service uh uh uh uh
    It feels like a perfect night to fast at midnight
    To fall in love with RMs uh uh uh uh
    We’re faithful, chaste, and holy at the same time
    It’s emotional and spiritual oh “yea”
    Tonight’s the night we don’t forget about our modesty uh ohI don’t know about you, but I’m feeling Nephi 22,
    Everything will be alright, as long we trust in You-u.
    You don’t know about church, but I️ bet you want to-o?
    Everything will be alright, if we just keep holding to the iron roooooodIt seems like one of those lessons,
    This place is too crowded, too many comments uh uh, uh uh
    It seems like one of those enrichments
    We ditch the whole scene and end up making cookies instead of cross-stitch,
    We’re faithful, chaste, and holy at the same time
    It’s emotional and spiritual oh yeah
    Tonight’s the night we forget about our missionaries, it’s time, uh ohI️ don’t know about you, but I’m feeling Nephi 22,
    Everything will be alright, as long we trust in You-u.
    You don’t know about church, but I bet you want to-o?
    Everything will be alright, if we just hold to the iron rooooood @kayanaharman
  • lisatheia@kayanaharman dang it, I keep trying to fix the autocorrect of the “A ?” Do you see that?? So frustrating hahahaha
  • lisatheiaIt feels like I don’t know how to use Instagram @ashliereader
  • sausharichards“All you are is mean and a liar and pathetic and alone in life and mean, and mean, and mean, and mean.” Every time Satan comes knocking.
  • rae_d_bomb“Hey [Brother] Stephen, I know I saw a light in you.”
  • rae_d_bomb“You don’t have to call, anymore, I won’t pick up the phone, this is the last straw, [please don’t visit me anymore]” -said to visiting teacher
  • beeforevaI have a “Blank SPACE” in my brain and I begin to feel the pain when I’m asked by my Bishop some-thing I know that I shhhhhould know….oh oh! “Blank Space!”
  • emilysheffsmithfaith without works can’t come to the phone right now. why? because it’s dead!
  • 2jbarnesDear John, “We are never ever ever getting back together, weE are never ever ever…… Getting back together!’
  • tarimenariAre we out of the woods yet? Are we out of the woods yet? Are we out of the woods yet? Are we out of the woods yet? #youngwomenscamp#hikingfordays
  • tarimenari@shannon_stapley

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