**#ComeFollowMe nugget** Join our Come, Follow Me Facebook group! https://www.facebook.com/.. 3 Nephi 3:1–13 We need not fear Satan. The epistle written by Giddianhi, the leader of the Gadianton robbers, was an attempt to intimidate and deceive the Nephites. Read 3 Nephi 3:2–10 and compare his words to ways Satan might try to deceive us today. Also,. what do we learn from the reaction of Lachoneus, the chief judge of the Nephites?

#ComeFollowMe nugget — 3 Nephi 1-7

The epistle written by Giddianhi, the leader of the Gadianton robbers, was an attempt to intimidate and deceive the Nephites. Read 3 Nephi 3:2–10 and compare his words to ways Satan might try to deceive us today. Also,. what do we learn from the reaction of Lachoneus, the chief judge of the Nephites?
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Part of the reason the Nephites were able to defeat the Gadianton robbers was that they joined forces with the converted Lamanites and followed the inspired direction of Lachoneus to “gather themselves together” in Zarahemla (3 Nephi 3:22). What lessons might this hold for you? When were you strengthened by righteous people?

#ComeFollowMe nugget — 3 Nephi 1-7

Part of the reason the Nephites were able to defeat the Gadianton robbers was that they joined forces with the converted Lamanites and followed the inspired direction of Lachoneus to “gather themselves together” in Zarahemla (3 Nephi 3:22). What lessons might this hold for you? When were you strengthened by righteous people?
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