Study Guide and Summary // "Seeking Answers to Spiritual Questions" // Sister Tracy Y. Browning // October 2024 General Conference

Study Guide and Summary // “Seeking Answers to Spiritual Questions” // Sister Tracy Y. Browning // October 2024 General Conference


In her October 2024 General Conference address, Sister Tracy Y. Browning discusses the importance of seeking answers to spiritual questions and trusting in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ for guidance. She begins by reflecting on scientific exploration and the reclassification of Pluto as a metaphor for spiritual growth. Just as scientists once believed they understood the solar system, our understanding of spiritual truths can evolve as we seek answers with faith and patience.

She emphasizes that asking questions is not a sign of weakness but a step toward growth, as taught by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf and President Russell M. Nelson. These questions often arise from the natural limitations of our understanding, but God’s plan of happiness allows us to progress despite these limitations. Through the Holy Ghost, scripture study, modern revelation, and prayer, we can receive divine insights. Sister Browning highlights the Savior’s promise: β€œAsk, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”

The process of gaining spiritual knowledge often occurs β€œline upon line, precept upon precept,” requiring patience and faith in the “sacred space” between current understanding and future revelation.

Obedience to God’s commandments and adherence to gospel principles are essential for receiving personal revelation and spiritual guidance. Sister Browning references Adam’s faithful obedience to God’s commands without full understanding, demonstrating that obedience prepares us to receive divine insights.

The talk also recounts the story of Naaman, whose initial resistance to Elisha’s counsel illustrates how trusting in God’s servants can lead to healing and growth.

Similarly, Sister Browning encourages listeners to trust in God’s wisdom and follow His prescribed plan for spiritual progress. Elder Richard G. Scott’s teachings on profound trust reinforce this message, emphasizing faith in God’s eternal plan even when we don’t understand it.

Sister Browning concludes by testifying that sincere gospel questions provide opportunities for growth. By placing trust in Heavenly Father and His prophets, we can gain a higher perspective and progress toward divine understanding.


  1. “Asking questions isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a precursor of growth.”
  2. “Our Savior assures that β€˜your Father which is in heaven give[s] good things to them that ask him.’”
  3. “The Lord’s method of teaching is β€˜line upon line, precept upon precept.’”
  4. “Obedience to His laws and commandments is effectually reaching out to Him.”
  5. “Revelation from God is always compatible with His eternal law.”
  6. “Your trust in the Lord must be more powerful and enduring than your confidence in your own personal feelings and experience.”
  7. “Our covenant relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ signals our prevailing citizenship in God’s kingdom.”
  8. “To exercise faith is to trust that the Lord knows what He is doing with you.”
  9. “Our sincere gospel questions can provide Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ with opportunities to help us grow.”
  10. “God knows that the higher you are, the farther you can see.”

10 Questions

  1. How do I respond when I encounter spiritual questions that challenge my understanding?
  2. Do I approach my questions with faith and trust in God’s timing?
  3. How can I better invite the Holy Ghost to guide me in seeking answers?
  4. What steps can I take to align my life more closely with God’s commandments?
  5. Do I trust in the process of β€œline upon line” learning, even when answers seem distant?
  6. How can I strengthen my covenant relationship with God to gain greater spiritual insight?
  7. Am I willing to obey God’s commands even when I don’t fully understand them?
  8. What can I learn from the patience and trust of figures like Adam and Naaman?
  9. How can I use my current spiritual knowledge to prepare for greater understanding?
  10. What areas of my life require me to exercise more profound trust in God’s wisdom?

EQ Dec 8 2024 lesson (Sisters ) by John Dye

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