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PROJECT: “Stories of Change” Social Media Campaign About #GeneralConference


PROJECT: “Stories of Change” Social Media Campaign About General Conference
DEADLINE: Tuesday, March 1st, end of day

We are looking for individuals to submit self-portrait photos along with a brief answer to one or more questions to appear in a series on one of the Church’s Instagram (or other social media) accounts. There is a tight turn around on this. Please read the information below on how to apply.

Adults aged 18 and over of all ages, abilities, races, and ethnicities from around the world.
You will submit 3-5 photos of yourself and a video OR written response to one or more questions. Those selected will have one or more of their submitted photos, as well as their written responses, OR their video appear on one of the Church’s Instagram (or other social media) accounts, in the days preceding April General Conference.


PROJECT: “Stories of Change” Social Media Campaign About General Conference

DEADLINE: Tuesday, March 1st, end of day

We are looking for individuals to submit self-portrait photos along with a brief answer to one or more questions to appear in a series on one of the Church’s Instagram (or other social media) accounts. There is a tight turn around on this. Please read the information below on how to apply.


Adults aged 18 and over of all ages, abilities, races, and ethnicities from around the world.

You will submit 3-5 photos of yourself and a video OR written response to one or more questions. Those selected will have one or more of their submitted photos, as well as their written responses, OR their video appear on one of the Church’s Instagram (or other social media) accounts, in the days preceding April General Conference.


Those chosen to appear on the site(s) will receive $100 (USD).


Please apply before the end of the day Tuesday, March 1, 2022.


  1. Take 3-5 photos of yourself from the chest up, or closer.
    1. Ensure the lighting is good, without anything distracting from or covering your face.
    2. Have a clean background.
    3. Make sure your face is front and center.
  2. Submit your response. You may make a video or write out your response.
    1. To make a video:
      1. A smart phone usually works great for this.
      2. Make sure you are well-lit and that we can hear you clearly.
  • Eliminate background noise.
  1. The video should be 5-10 seconds long
  2. See these videos for an example of what we are looking for:, but, in your response, use the questions below.
  3. Upload your video to a file sharing site. (YouTube, Vimeo, Google Drive, DropBox, etc.)
    1. The security setting should be “Unlisted” or “Anyone with a link can view” or something similar. If it is “Private,” we will not be able to view it.
    2. Save the link to your video.
  4. To write out your answer, type it up and have it ready to paste into the application form. Responses should be 1-2 sentences long.
  5. For video or written responses, answer one of the following questions:
    1. “What do you love most about General Conference?”
    2. “What are you looking forward to this conference?”
  • “How do you prepare for conference?”
  1. “Do you have any General Conference traditions?”
  2. Apply by following this link: You will need to provide the following on the form:
    1. The link to your video OR the written response to the questions
    2. A current photo of yourself

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