Born in St. George 83 years ago, President Holland grew up hearing the stories and cherishing the heritage of sturdy, faithful pioneer forbears who sacrificed for a temple

President Holland rededicates St. George Utah Temple


Born in St. George 83 years ago, President Holland grew up hearing the stories and cherishing the heritage of sturdy, faithful pioneer forbears who sacrificed for a temple


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As a general authority for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, President Jeffrey R. Holland has circled the globe more than once — seeing the modern wonders of the world, living in distant lands and knowing wonderful people.

Still, his identity is inseparable with the geology and terrain of southern Utah — his boyhood home.

Returning this week, President Holland, acting president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, rededicated the St. George Utah Temple on Sunday, Dec. 10. The longest operating temple in the Church and the first completed in Utah, the edifice stands as a tribute to the past and a beacon to the future, he said.

Read more about the rededication of the St. George Utah Temple at, found at link in bio.

📸: Leslie Nilsson, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; Nick Adams, for the Deseret News

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