Once upon a time, a farmer’s donkey accidentally fell into a well. The distressed animal cried out loudly for hours, while the farmer tried his best to rescue it. The farmer’s efforts, however, were unsuccessful, and he eventually concluded that the donkey was too old and the well too dry to save. Instead, he decided that it was time to cover the well and invited his neighbors to help him.
Each of the neighbors brought a shovel and started throwing dirt into the well. The donkey, realizing what was happening, cried out even louder. However, to everyone’s surprise, the donkey eventually became quiet after a few shovelfuls of dirt had been thrown on it.
The farmer peered into the well and was amazed at what he saw. With each shovelful of dirt that landed on it, the donkey was shaking it off and stepping on top of it. The donkey was using the dirt to elevate itself.
After some time, the donkey managed to step on enough dirt to climb out of the well.
It had used the same dirt that was burying it to help it escape the well.
The moral of the story?
Life will inevitably throw all kinds of obstacles at us. It is easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless in the face of adversity. But, like the donkey in the story, we must learn to shake off the “dirt” and use it to help us move towards a better future.
Our problems and challenges do not have to be seen as insurmountable barriers to our success; rather, they can be opportunities for growth and development.