Living Scriptures: Christmas movies for the whole family! Shoelaces for Christmas LDS Mormon film movie

Living Scriptures: Christmas movies for the whole family!

Living Scriptures is pleased to release Shoelaces for Christmas as a top new title, a film produced by Bryce W. Fillmore, who is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This touching film, based on Craig S. Buehner’s novel, is the transformation story of a teenaged girl named Jennifer. She is self-absorbed and irresponsible, and her father thinks some service at the community homeless shelter is a perfect antidote. Through serving there and serving her sickly mother, Jennifer learns valuable lessons about charity, love, and friendship.

Living Scriptures is pleased to release Shoelaces for Christmas as our top new title, a film produced by Bryce W. Fillmore, who is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This touching film, based on Craig S. Buehner’s novel, is the transformation story of a teenaged girl named Jennifer. She is self-absorbed and irresponsible, and her father thinks some service at the community homeless shelter is a perfect antidote. Through serving there and serving her sickly mother, Jennifer learns valuable lessons about charity, love, and friendship.

Featured Playlist: Kid’s Christmas

No coal, only stocking stuffers in this week’s featured playlist. Kid’s Christmas is filled with holly jolly programming that children will love and that parents can trust to be wholesome and uplifting. It includes the Animated New Testament classic The King is BornCaillou’s Holiday Movie, plus a newly released compilation of Christmas songs by Baby Joy Joy.

Coming Soon!

December is rapidly approaching, which means more great Christmas titles are around the corner. Check out these trailers for December’s top titles: Lucy Shimmers and the Prince of PeaceThe Christmas CandleWe Three KingsBefore the Wrath, and New Life.

CFM: Moroni’s Connectors

We’re excited to bring you Moroni’s Connectors to help your study in Moroni 1-6 next week. This incredibly important section in The Book of Mormon introduces vital information about how ordinances in Jesus Christ’s church help connect us to Him. This animation for all ages is a great tool that breaks down key doctrine and explains what covenants are and why they’re so important.

Come, Follow Me:
Moroni 1-6

Moroni’s Connectors

Moroni 1-6 contains important information about Jesus Christ’s church. This CFM explainer video breaks down the nuts and bolts of covenants.

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Baby Joy Joy

Episode 13: Christmas 2

Join Baby Joy Joy as she sings classics like the 12 days of Christmas plus Christmas editions of Pop Goes the Weasel and the Finger Family Song.

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Pete’s Christmas

A frustrated Pete experiences a tough Christmas Day over and over and over again.

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Miracle on Christmas

The Boyce family faces difficult challenges during the holidays, but an unexpected visitor helps them feel the peaceful message of Christmas.

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Discussions on the Book of Mormon

Moroni 1-6

Professors from BYU study Moroni 1-6. See the fall of the Jaredite and Nephite nations and understand the parting words of Moroni.

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Literary Styles

This episode shows how reading the Bible wisely requires that we learn about the ancient literary styles used by the biblical authors. Free at

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