I am a representative of Jesus Christ serving at the Priesthood Restoration Site in Harmony, Pennsylvania. Since the historic sites aren't open r...

Cabin fever? Visit Church history sites—virtually!

I love how missionary work is going digital. The missionaries are really creative!


Hello friends!

I am a representative of Jesus Christ serving at the Priesthood Restoration Site in Harmony, Pennsylvania. Since the historic sites aren’t open right now, we have been giving virtual tours of the two homes here on the site! These are the homes of Joseph Smith and his wife, Emma. These homes and the scenery surrounding them are beautiful, and the history is rich!

If you are looking for something interesting to do during this quarantine then please message me, or you can email me at prsvirtualtours@gmail.com to schedule a tour. It’s an experience you won’t forget!

We would love to see you soon!?


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