BYU Studies | "Marrying Principles of Religious Freedom with Equitable Teaching Practices for Latter-day Saint Public Educators"

BYU Studies: “Truth Is the Only Ground”: How Journalism Contributes to Good Government


“Truth Is the Only Ground”: How Journalism Contributes to Good Government

Edward L. Carter

Truth Is the Only Ground
This article from our latest issue ofΒ BYU Studies QuarterlyΒ gives a road map for community members of good faith to engage productively with the quality journalism available to them and to contribute to improvement in journalism when needed.
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The Appearance of Elijah and Moses in the Kirtland Temple and the Jewish Passover

Steven D. Ricks

As we focus on Elijah’s ancient ministry in upcomingΒ Come, Follow MeΒ lessons, let’s remember his latter-day ministry too. Elijah appeared at the Kirtland Temple on April 3, 1836, and committed to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery the keys of his dispensation and the keys that would turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers (Doctrine and Covenants 110). Elijah is invited by faithful Jews to join them for their Passover meal. Read in a short article by Stephen D. Ricks about Elijah’s visitation at Kirtland: April 3, 1836, was not the day of Passover, but it was during the days when Passover would still be celebrated.
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Joseph Smith and the United Firm

Max H Parkin

In June 1832, the first issue ofΒ The Evening and the Morning Star,Β the first semi-official Church newspaper, was published in Independence, Missouri. One of the purposes of this newspaper was to publish revelations that Joseph Smith had received. Financing the paper was accomplished through the United Firm, an organization of Church leaders whoΒ managed the Church’s growing commercial and financial interests.Β Learn about the United Firm in this in-depth article by Max H Parkin.
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Father’s Day

The Grandeur of God

Jeffrey R. Holland

Light shining through trees around a bench
We honor both our earthly fathers and Heavenly Father this week. We hope you enjoy this classic talk by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland.
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Come, Follow Me

2 Samuel 5–7; 11–12; 1 Kings 3; 8; 11

“Thy Kingdom Shall Be Established for Ever”

King David Enthroned by Jerry Harston
David was a warrior hero who became king over all of Israel. He united the tribes into one nation, he fought for possession of the land including Jerusalem, and the government was based on obedience and worship of God. Yet his sins led to his downfall and strife among his sons. The wise king Solomon ruled for forty years and built the first temple, but he also fell because of his marriages to foreign women and turning away from God. These accounts tell us that we cannot trust in our own strength but must continue to trust in and obey God throughout our lives.
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Book Review
Stretching the HeavensΒ andΒ Eugene England

Steven C. Walker

Books by Terryl Givens and Kristine Haglund
This week, we feature Steven C. Walker’s review of two books about Eugene England:Β Stretching the Heavens: The Life of Eugene England and the Crisis of Modern MormonismΒ andΒ Eugene England: A Mormon Liberal. The two books look at his life through different lenses that contribute complementarily to a fuller biography.
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Interfaith Conversation Series

June 19 event
The Widtsoe Foundation will hold a virtual conversation aboutΒ Elijah (1 Kgs. 18–19, 2 Kgs. 2) this Sunday at 2:00 pm PT/3:00 MT. Reserve your spot to attend live via Zoom.
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